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Sunday 19 April 2020

Junit-Eclipse NoClassDefFoundError for LauncherFactory


Tests are written in junit5. Even when Run As-> 'Run Configurations' -> "Test runner:" = junits5, eclipse not able to run the tests with junit5 runner.

Root Cause

Eclipse Profile for junit5 not configured in core/pom.xml.


The key is to add and use a maven profile to solve the Eclipse Case.

It assumes you have defined a property junit5.version in your parent pom like:


then in the profiles section add the following:


All you have to do after this is to select the profile in your local Eclipse: Right click on your project and select Maven > Select Maven Profiles... (or hit Ctrl + Alt + P), and then check the "eclipse" profile we just created.

With that you are done. Your Eclipse will run Junit 5 tests as expected, but the configuration you added won't pollute other builds or other IDE

Junit-Eclipse No tests found using JUnit 5 or junit4

Pop up in eclipse saying junit4 tests not found. Not an issue with maven.

Root Cause
Run As-> 'Run Configurations' -> "Test runner:" = junits5 while the tests are written with junit4 api’s.

Fixed the issue by right clicking the test and selecting 'Run Configurations' and changing the "Test runner:" selection to 'JUnit 4' as shown here:

The issue can also occur if it’s the other way-round also.